Greetings at the start of the new week (May 15th, 14:45 UTC at 22*49'N 031*20'W).
Soon it will be 4 days since we crossed the start line.
Days are passing by with no rush and we feel like in a resort. We are slowly enjoying the Atlantic and feeling as invited guests. The weather is pretty calm today and we used this opportunity to winch Reinis up the mast to check the rigging. Today was also the second shower day and we are looking forward for the next movies evening.
Yesterday we also celebrated the Mothers' day. Of course: all dear mothers - salty kisses and ocean wide hugs to all of you. We also greeted our only mom onboard - Liga - with a Latvian fruit cake and she replied with a tasty whipped cream desert.
By the way, for the first time in few days we don't feel alone in the ocean. Last night we first heard some voices on channell 16 and also had to make a tack to avoid, as we joke, probably the only ship in the ocean.
We are truly enjoying the views of flying fish (not the dead fish on the deck) and yesterday we even saw a tuna chasing a stack of flying fish.
But! The hottest breaking news from the deck came just before 14:00 UTC when Libca was preparing to send our position to race control. We finally got lucky and Muris managed to catch a fish.
So at the moment of writing this news we have already cleaned, cooked and eaten our catch. Tasted great!